College Dating
Just Vibing
Fest is the only dating app that matches people based on the interests they like. It's time to meet someone who's into your favorite band too.
Say F*ck to traditional dating apps
with like minded people
Fest gives you the opportunity to meet someone who is aoroc and enjoy future shows together. You'll never be bored again.

Match with a song
Send likes by adding a song. They like it too? Boom, you just got a match.
Match with playlists
Match with people based on their favorite playlists. Pictures are hidden, music first.
Fest Festival
Want to meet up? Buy tickets for Fest Festival and meet your peers.
Meet Fest
Match with a song
Send likes by adding a song. They like it too? Boom, you just got a match.
Match with playlists
Match with people based on their fav playlists. Pictures are hidden, music first.
Fest Festival
Want to meet up? Buy tickets for Fest Festival and meet your peers.
